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Fiscal incentives in Spain


30% - 25%

30% for the first million euros of deductible expenses, 25% for the rest of the expenses in Spain.

The incentive is capped at 20.000.000€ for each production (10.000.000€ per episode in the case of audiovisual series)*.


50% - 45%

50% deduction on the first million elegible expenditure and 45% on the rest expenses in the Canaries

The incentive is capped a 36,000.000€

More information



  • Production companies or  service companies whose tax domicile is in Spain and are registered in the Film and Audiovisual Arts Institute (ICAA) and have executed a foreign film.

  • Minimum expenditure of €1 million except for animation and postproduction which must be at least €200,000.


  • Deduction amount combined with other benefIts must not exceed 50% of production costs.


*Pending the adoption by the European authorities. 

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Shooting in Spain Guide

ICEX with the collaboration  of Spain Film Commission, PROFILM and the legal advice of Cuatrecasas, Écija and Andersen, made this comprehensible guide  

© 2018 PR OFILM.

Spanish International Audiovisual Production Companies.

Calle Cruzada 1, 5ºM- L 28013 in Madrid.

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